About Us
IRP Plates
DOT Compliance
Other Services

The IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement)  is a tax collection agreement by and among the 48 contiguous states and Canadian provinces bordering the United States to simplify the reporting and collecting of motor fuel taxes used by commercial carriers operating in more than one jurisdiction.​

            Establish Account

Please provide us:

1.    Company Name / or Personal Name
2.    DOT #/ MC #,
3.    EIN # (Employee Identification Number),
4.    President's name (First , Last and M.I.) and his SS #
5.    Secretary and Treasury Name (First , Last and M.I.) and         his Social Security # (if it is different from the above),
6.    Correct physical address (for IFTA, no P.O. Box or UPS               store address)
​7.    Phone number and email address,
8.    Copies of registrations for the trucks (and lease agreement         if the name    on the registration is different),
9.    Number of decal sets needed,

​    At DOT Safety Helpers, Inc., we provide everything you need to establish IFTA account for for service fee is $100.00. Included sticker/decals for Home State, NM and NY(if neither of these states is home state and some additional charges will be apply).
Let us assist you
Call for a service today! (773) 647-3100
1585 Ellinwood Ave Suite 206 <> Des Plaines, IL 60016 <> Ph.# (773) 647 - 3100 <> Fax: (888) 368 - 2060
DOT Safety Helpers, Inc
The Professional Company

1.    Company Name / or Personal Name
2.    EIN # (Employee Identification Number),
​3.    President's (First , Last and M.I.) and his Social Security #
4.    Secretary and  Treasury (if different from Above name (First , Last and         M.I.) and his Social Security #
5.    Correct physical address (for IFTA, no P.O. Box or UPS store address)
6.    Phone number and email address
7.    Copies of registrations for the trucks (and lease agreement if the        name on the registration is different)
10.  Number of decal sets needed

    At DOT Safety Helpers, Inc., we provide everything you need to renewal IFTA account for service fee is $ 50.00. Included sticker/decals for Home State, NM and NY (if neither of these states is home state).

            Quarterly Filings

​1.    Copy of your IFTA license
2.    Total miles in every state you've traveled for the period required
​3.    Total gallons fueled in every state you've traveled for the period         required

​    At DOT Safety Helpers, Inc., we provide everything you need to quarterly IFTA account for service fee is $ 35.00 for Home State. For additional states is  $15.00 per State (some additional charges will be apply)
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